Introduction to Web/HTML

Introduction to Web/HTML

Photo by Niels Kehl on Unsplash

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Web development is all about the combine result of HTML , CSS and JavaScript. From three of them we are just introducing most basic and important stage of web development. i.e. HTML


HTML is stand for Hyper Text Mark-up Language . It is used to design web pages , A markup language is used to define the text document within the tag which defines the structure of web pages. HTML tags are like keywords which defines that how web browser will format and display the content. With the help of tags, a web browser can distinguish between an HTML content and a simple content. HTML tags contain three main parts: opening tag, content and closing tag. But some HTML tags are unclosed tags. for ex.

< br>

The Apache HTTP Server ("httpd") was launched in 1995 and it has been the most popular web server on the Internet since April 1996. It has celebrated its 25th birthday as a project in February 2020.APACHE IS WORLD'S LARGEST OPEN SOURCE FOUNDATION Apache is one of the go-to web servers for website owners, developers, and even hosting providers, dominating the market share by 33% across all websites. Live Server is a little development server which having live reload capability. whenever we make any change in web file and save it , we can see that change in our web page without reloading that page, that is the special feature of this liver servers. most popular liver servers are liver server by Ritwick Dey , live server preview by negokaz etc. one of the most popular shortcut which most of the developer are use to write any contain or text between the html tags is lorem . how many words you want to write , you have to just mention that quantity after lorem for ex.


And next topic of this introduction part which i like most is how we can add image on our web page , it is possible with the help of img tag.

<img src="" alt="" sizes="" srcset="">

src - In this attribute we have to mention the source of image alt - If some how there is problem while loading image instead of that image whatever we write in this attribute it will be render to user. sizes- It is used adjust the dimension of image ex. height , width etc. srcset -The srcset attribute specifies the URL of the image to use in different situations.